worliogeloo Admin replied

295 weeks ago

Download Pirate's Blood

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In 2008 there were some truly excellent movies, Iron Man, Wall-E, Gran Torino, The Dark Knight and Indie smash, Slumdog Millionaire… All amazing movies! There were also some terrible movies, and to name just one, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, a movie so bad that they offered Regret as an alternative to butter if you got a large popcorn. This movie, along with anything Mr. Ratering touches, eclipses all the awful with a behemoth of suck.<br/><br/>Unknown to most people, while some directors are kicking and clawing to get to the top, there are a certain number of directors that would wear air-lubricant if such a thing existed just to help themselves fall to the bottom faster… Mark Ratering is one such director. <br/><br/>I can&#39;t not recommend this film enough, even in terms of soft-adult films, watching a rock die is both more entertaining, and filled with better dialogue. In fact, if you know this movie exists, you are almost obligated to tell people, whether asked or not, that this is a terrible thing and it should not have happened.

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